A transmutational experience is one where something deep inside of us changes based on an experience that we have had, an internal experience that precedes the manifestations of an external transformation.
At first, externally, our form has not changed. We are still the same person, wearing the same clothes. But, in this shift, we begin to see the world in a different way.
We begin to act differently, a process that begins to transform our world.
For many, this happens the first time one has an Agile Learning experience. We hear this all the time from teachers during reflections following a make-a-thon: "How is it that these students could learn faster than they could be taught?" "What was that joy we just experienced?"
These are experiences that cannot be unseen. They cannot be unfelt. It defines a new personal truth, Reimaging Consciousness.
And opens the door to our Creative Genius.
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