Twitter oAuth configuration

Create an application with Twitter Application Management .

Example `Keys and Access Tokens` tab

Twitter recommends setting `Callback URL Locking`, this can be done on the settings screen, but also means that a separate application will need configuring for each wiki domain.

On the permissions tab, modify the access to `Read only`.

On the Keys and Access Tokens tab take a note of the `Consumer Key (API Key)` and `Comsumer Secret (API Secret)`

The Wiki is configured by adding the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to the configuration. As long as we have not selected Enable Callback Locking these can be added outside the wikiDomains definition, so they apply to the entire farm. The wikiDomains definition is required so that the security plugin knows what is required - github

{ "farm": true, "security_type": "passportjs", "twitter_consumerKey": "CLIENT ID", "twitter_consumerSecret": "CLIENT SECRET", "wikiDomains": { "": {} } }

For a farm config with multiple domains with different types of authentication you would add an entry like this:

"wikiDomains": { "": { "twitter_consumerKey": "CLIENT ID", "twitter_consumerSecret": "CLIENT SECRET", } }