Measuring the impact of professional learning is extremely difficult. How does a school leader attribute success in their school to a study tour experience three years prior to that success? Or a positive resolution to a complex problem to a program undertaken five years prior? Charting the impact of professional learning is just so difficult to do.
A small early contribution to a leadership journey perhaps starts something much more important. Something not measurable in terms of feedback forms typical of professional learning events (often mentioning the quality of food or appropriateness of the air conditioning settings), or the income earned, or the number of people that undertook a workshop. It’s the age old problem of measuring what's important rather than what is easy to measure.
we are increasing potential - opening the door to opportunity
Learning comes naturally to humans and the joy that comes with new knowledge, the wonder about a phenomenon, or the delight in the 'aha' moment can be cultivated. The challenge is in creating the conditions for deep learning to occur.
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