
We are constantly moving through the world in this process of Foraging encountering Surprise and in need of an Update. When we update, we compare our prior model/world view/understanding to our new understanding and create (or co-create) a new enduring understanding of the world.

When we think of the DIG framework, we begin with "What are you curious about?" and 90% you. That curiosity launches the foraging process. We are not content with the world as we know it. There must be something more. Along the way, we encounter surprise- "I never saw the world that way before." "I didn't see that connection" "That feeling was not previously expressed"

Then, we make sense, we make meaning of our previous world and our new world. We can't discard one for the other, both are forever present, and the next update, and the one after that.

Like a piece of software being updated, much of what was there, remains. Improvements (hopefully) are made.

Why are we reluctant to update the operating system of our laptops or cell phones until we are forced to accept it? Do we not want to learn something new, even though we probably only use 1% of the capacity of our devices and will not notice any change as a result of the update? But the idea of having to learn something new, in that realm is bothersome.

Do we create our own streetlight effect, following only what interests us, or do we bravely step into the truly unknown? Could we survive an update that represented a world that was 90% new?