
The physicality of containers means that we can viscerally interact with James Forms. ⇒ animated

⇒ HTML5 post

Example code for a video plugin snippet:

HTML5 mp4 j → wiki-journal-new-entry

Embedding video is similar to adding an image. Instead of dragging and dropping an image onto Factory, however, you are going to drag and drop a URL.

We consider how wiki could capture, produce and then deliver compelling video stories. We will imagine an end-to-end workflow based on one industry pattern for news stories about people doing things. We're confident many other kinds of stories could be configured into video pattern languages on wiki pages.

We explain how to choose media keys for HTML5 video. Read About Video Plugin to understand media keys and the other services supported by the plugin.

After lots of false starts we may finally have video built into javascript. post mdn github