Ward has created a few sites (and subsites) for himself beyond the sites that he has helped create for others. See also Ward's Experimental Sites that don't answer sitemaps.
Ward writes here about his own participation in the open source federated wiki project. Pages range from his personal vision to daily todo lists with some honest assessments in between.
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We recreate the calculation refactoring example from the open source conference and invite viewers to try it themselves.
To bring together in a dynamic and collaborative environment the leaders in social impact, business, and venture capital investment innovation. website details
Recent advances in parsing combine context and backtracking into a single language. We use both attributes to explore semi-structured texts by supporting parser generation with experiment management and continuous visualization of partial results.
We explore wiki as a control paradigm for complex systems such as a software defined radio.
This pattern language describes a form of software development appropriate for an entrepreneurial organization.
A list of programs I've written and now recall. There are lots, organized first by where I was.
We're interested in making more great things. Making the same thing faster or cheaper is pretty great, but we're more interested in making fabulous things that solve many complex problems simultaneously and delight everyone in the process.
The idea is to list one hundred curious things about programming. These can be taken on faith. In some languages they are true. In other languages, no.
Federated wiki will be good for collecting historical facts and recollections. I'm just probing how this might work.
Txtzyme extends the reach of the USB bus to arbitrary electrical signals. It interprets throw-away programs encoded as single-character commands bundled into short strings transmitted to a microcontroller.
We've squeezed an implementation of SFW into the confines of an Arduino. It talks to the world in json through an ethernet shield.
We generate the following reports from flat files maintained within the SensorServer system with the mksensor