Web3 Messaging

In a future of decentralised web components interlinked by a range of protocols, how do these components interact with each other?

- Web3 internet communication - brianyang.com

# Thoughts

The following scenarios indicate a use for web messaging in the evolution of wiki form a singular client application to a federation of interacting components:

1. For the desktop + mobile wiki client we need to create an API between the Livecode environment and the wiki-client. 1. An early experiment with how a graph application could interact with wiki in an iFrame brought us to use web messaging. 1. Thoughts on wiki's interacting with slide-shows and windows / tabs that wiki opens lead us to imagine using web messaging as a general way that wiki interacts with itself, other wikis, and windows it opens, or how wiki is embedded within other applications.

All of this indicates that we're pretty firmly in the world of web messaging as we move forwards. And thats without going into components based on web assembly.

# See also - Wiki API