You were most recently in Installation de Pharo / Pharo Installation. If you're done with that, choose another section on the left.
NOTE : a special version of Pharo must be installed for the MOOC.
Go to this page to download it and follow the instructions.
# Download & Install Pharo for this MOOC
During this MOOC, we assume that you use the PharoWeb image in a specific version (currently Pharo 8.0). To install this version, we recommand using the PharoLauncher as described below.
1. Download and install the PharoLauncher for your OS 2. Execute Pharo Launcher and select **create image** menu entry in the contextual menu of **Pharo Mooc** 3. Select your newly downloaded Pharo Mooc image in the right pane and click on the green play button on the uppper right button bar
Welcome to the Pharo Mooc (a set of videos, exercises, challenges, and miniprojects). The Pharo Mooc is fully dubbed in french and english. It comes with subtitles in Japanese, english, french and spanish. This web site contains all the material of this Mooc in free access. In addition, in average every 18 months the Mooc is proposed and run on the France Université Numérique platform (Even if the platform is french the mooc is run in both languages). When you participate to the mooc you get access to the quizz and the credit validation.
The syntax of Smalltalk famously fits on a postcard, but understanding it takes at least a few minutes.