Welcome Authors

It should be noted that "forking a transporter page" does not fork the microservice in this instance. it merely alters the server side configuration to point appropriate urls dropped onto wiki to a remote federation microservice.

Actual forking of microservices to offer federation load-balancing would be something to build at a later stage - this could be straight forwards with javascript based microservices which could utilise the same mechanism we currently use for plugin federation.

Eric is currently building a docker based version of the current fedwiki server that we call the commons server. This server would offer polyglot microservice deployment and federation amonst other things.

A welcome-authors page is the equivalent of the welcome-visitors page, but for authors seeking to add or customise the authoring tools available to their site.

The welcome-authors page lists microservice end-points and associated regular expressions that can be used by the site for Universal Drag-and-Drop import.

# Short Term implementation

The welcome-authors page could contain an about-json-plugin that reveals appropriately structured json for the wiki-client to implement universal drag and drop.

This could allow REST access to this json structure directly, however we can now begin to leverage wiki-page functionality to extend different ways this Transport-proxy JSON can be constructed.

# Longer term

The Authoring Tools Folder can contain multiple wiki-pages - one for each authoring microservice (transporter) that the owner of a site (Wiki Facilitator) wished to add to the sites functionality.

We wish to make it a simple task of forking a authoring tools wiki-page to the Authoring Tools Folder in order to enhance the universal drag-and-drop behaviour of the site.

# Building on existing tooling

As an example an about-grep-plugin could detect the presence of suitable fedwiki authoring tools pages, and build an index that it saves and reveals to the server as json data. A manual rebuilding of the index together with a server restart (if this were needed) would then enable the author to add new transporters that they had forked to the Authoring Tools Folder to the universal drag-and-drop behaviour of the site.