Here we explore what ti would take to provide an Identity Provider for the federation so that we issue federated identity and provide SSO to wiki authors.
# Building on OpenID Connect
> The core of modern identity is undoubtedly OpenID Connect (OIDC), the de-facto standard for user authentication and identity protocol on the internet...
> Because OIDC is an identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 framework, it can also be used as an authorization solution - medium
# Recent developmeents
Here is a good article summarising recent developments:
- The State of Identity on the Web - medium
- Verifiable credentials and SIOP
# Cross-domain OIDC Credential Provider, a new spec at the OpenID Foundation, is challenging the notion that the identity that a user receives has to be an identity entirely bound to its domain. It offers traditional IdPs a way to issue credentials that are portable and can cross domains because the identity/identifier is no longer coupled to the provider as is the case with an identity token.
# Credential Handler API
The Credential Handler API (CHAPI) is a mew browser api that offers a promising solution to browser-mediated interactions that complements the identity-centric technologies of OIDC and WebID.
# Future
In looking to the intermediate future of wiki hosting we envisage each server bing a: - Self-Issued OpenID Provider
This would enable web-clients to login with a chrome extension, and enable functionality such as: - Welcome Security for read-only access
Of course as browser standards move forwards, we would not require any extension as this functionality would be built in natively to the browser.
We also anticipate growth in adoption of pure p2p decentralised protocols enabling server-less interconnectivity between browsers - such as the current dat implementation.
See Federated Wiki on Dat for how to get started with the dat variant of Federated Wiki.
# Projects of interest - Kantara Initiative - Higgins project