
cd ~/wiki

git pull

Note: Node.js 16 reaches end of life on September 11th, 2023. blog

node2nix -18

Note: We ignore the warning regarding the lock file.

nix-build -A package

result -> /nix/store/q52r74372s17xc9kybya84c251q1c3zj-wiki-0.33.0/

Update the wiki.nix configuration file as root in /etc/nixos

ExecStart = "/nix/store/q52r74372s17xc9kybya84c251q1c3zj-wiki-0.33.0/bin/wiki --config /home/rgb/.wiki/config.json"; Restart = "on-failure";

Apply changes made to the system configuration page

nixos-rebuild test

building Nix... building the system configuration... trace: warning: The option `nix.autoOptimiseStore' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' has been renamed to `'. trace: warning: The option `nix.allowedUsers' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' has been renamed to `nix.settings.allowed-users'. trace: warning: `<name>.enableSSL` is deprecated, use `<name>.onlySSL` instead.

journalctl -r -u wiki

- [x] wiki-0.33.0

nixos-rebuild switch


- [x] wiki-0.31.0


See NixOS manual "Definition of systemd service units" page , systemd.service page , and "Execution environment configuration" (Paths) page for details.