Wild West

There is a Wild West in collaborative practices, in which technical means and mutual contractual relationships are the dominant modes, which leads to problems in scalability. Finding sensible collaborative modes is important. This says that the more we automate things, the harder and the more cooperatively we must work to enable the transformation of activities and industries. It also says that knowledge creation, technology advancement and organizational (business) logics are inherently interrelated.


What prevents machine learning from transforming industries?, 2021. Online. Routledge. [Accessed 26 January 2023]. ISBN 978-0-429-42355-0, p. 137

Jessica Kerr, aka @jessitron , explains how modern software teams must collaborate not only with each other, but with their own tools of automation. We must build systems that are good team players. She introduces the line of representation. Presents Four prerequisites (the pillars of joint activity) and four precautions (ironies of automation). article

The challenges associated with making automation a 'team player' in a joint human-agent activity are discussed. Joint activity is defined as an extended set of actions that are carried out by an ensemble of people coordinating with each other. To carry out joint activity, each party effectively enters into a Basic Compact, an agreement to facilitate coordination, work toward shared goals, and prevent breakdowns in team coordination. Effective coordination requires establishing and maintaining common ground and an intelligent agent must fulfil the require