Working Within the Lineup

Small scripts have limited power until they fit into a larger workflow expressed in wiki's lineup. We show the breadth of this connectivity.

See Use Case Survey for examples.

digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled] node [fillcolor=bisque] page [label="remote\npage"] federation node [fillcolor=lightblue] {rank=same frame [label="frame\nplugin"] script [label="html\nscript" fillcolor=gold] state [label="active\nstate" fillcolor=gold] federation -> page [dir=back] page -> markup -> frame frame -> script [dir=both] script -> state [dir=none] } frame -> open frame -> create source -> frame context -> frame neighbors -> frame node [fillcolor=palegreen] "graph\nrelations" -> source "map\nmarkers" -> source "map\nregion" -> source "file\nassets" -> source "page\nitems" -> context sites -> neighbors origin -> neighbors open -> "existing\npage" create -> "ghost\npage" create -> "import\npages" node [fillcolor=bisque] "import\nmodules" -> script sitemap -> fetch pages -> fetch internet -> fetch [dir=both] fetch -> script [dir=both] script -> download -> upload }

An html script (yellow) interacts with the world (tan) through the frame plugin (blue) and the access it provides to the lineup (green).

See Delaminated Black Box as emergent method.


Nodes for which we lack example use cases.

0: "federation" 1: "graph-relations" 2: "import-pages" 3: "internet" 4: "sites"