Workshop Wiki

I've done the workshop wiki before, all but this last part: > At the end of a session, all participants can take home a backup of the state of the infrastructure, so to speak, and integrate it into their private knowledge management systems. (See

How would one prepare for a conference workshop if one were asked to provide a position statement in the form of a federated wiki site? How can we develop a style for this form of engagement?


The crazy names that are generated by Friend security had instant, anonymous signup in mind. Chatham House Rule wikipedia


There are some variations on what we have now that could make this even more useful: * subdomain should match generated user name * a whole-pod activity monitor should be projected behind any speaker (see Projection) * a variation on the `export.json` format should bundle all pod sites * a hack to `/etc/hosts` or dns proxy should make all content available once home


I've attended several workshops where no speaker had slides but instead the speaker could mention anything and it would show up on screen behind the speaker and also available to all participants on the backchannel. Some speakers were rattled. I thought the effect was marvelous for speaker and audience alike.

The majority of the signals do not travel from the eyes to the brain: they go the other way, from the brain to the eyes. (Carlo Rovelli, Helgoland, p. 162)

Imagine pulling together a 10 minute talk during an event by creating a page with a provocative title and adding a couple of bullet points. When your turn comes up you walk to the front of the room while everyone else forks your page and starts enlarging your ideas.

I remember at one such talk a speaker mentioned that he lived on an island and the role the ferry schedule played in everyones life. One participant called up a map of the island while another found the ferry schedule.

I simulate this imagining Thompson is speaking.

Imagine pulling together a 10 minute talk during an event by creating a page with a provocative title and adding a couple of bullet points. When your turn comes up you walk to the front of the room while everyone else forks your page and starts enlarging your ideas.

Address busses works well and are at the heart of both processor and memory design on a variety of scales. Address busses make computers a logical machine for when they are properly clocked we can reason knowing all elements have been considered. But this pattern is rare or nonexistent in nature. Let's understand why.

> Lisp, for example, has the very unique feature that code is data, and this property allows it to "encode" in metadata, the structures that are to emerge in a morphogenesis process. -- Mike Beedle

See Cache Line > "encode" (Page Fold) > Use "encodings" instead of OOP/polymorphism