
* a VariableWrite a Variable ⇒ write ⇒ Variable

* to read is to write elsewhere ⇒ Seeing Through Transparency

* to understand

We have to write to understand what we want to explain and how.

DOT FROM lambda-browsing


We'll think and write beautiful pages with the understand that they will eventually compose into article length posts worthy of publication. blog

An amusing amount of "w's in this title. Here we explore why people write in Wikipedia and in more general the motivations for writing in the new wiki we seek to create for the Permanent Web.

So, I ask of you, Reader, how do we write and read together with humility, keeping the specificity of relations in mind? How do we recognize that our writing and reading come out of different places, connections, obligations, and even different worldviews, and still write and read together?

"What would it mean to write wiki pages in a poetic form, inspired by Richard Gabriel's Haiku practice? Can other people feel the delightful unfolding that I feel?"