Zoom to Group

When looking at Site Link Map in the Super Collaborator Thompson sees clusters of nodes that are themselves meaningful. Can we bundle these and add just them to a choice for merging with other graphs?

With the inclusion of Categories in the node description we see examples of categories weaving together for deeper meaning. Here we see Flow, Relationship, Creativity and Expression become entangled.

From the JavaScript debugger we print the nodes in the zoom view as a proof of concept.

[...target.getElementsByClassName('node')] .forEach(node=>{ const s=target.getBoundingClientRect(); const r=node.getBoundingClientRect(); if(r.x>s.x && r.x+r.width<s.x+s.width && r.y>s.y && r.y+r.height<s.y+s.height) {console.log(node)}})

With this commit we add a "group" button that runs the above logic along with the necessary reindexing of nodes and relations before inserting the subgraph to the list of selectable graphs. github

Try it here in the Solo Super Collaborator: open

Todo: Either copy nodes and relations as we relocate them or convince ourselves that this is unnecessary.