The Outlandish Academy is a P2P framework for creating online and offline learning experiences. Students are encouraged to pass on their learning by the built in Learning TimeBank, which enables us to offer all courses for free to anyone in the world.
# Context
DOT FROM wiki-map STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=red penwidth=3 color=black] "Academy Methodology" node [style=filled fillcolor=yellow] "An Outlandish Solution" -> "Academy Methodology" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] "Academy Methodology" -> "Agile Teaching" "Academy Methodology" -> "Learning Pods" "Academy Methodology" -> "Learning Roles" "Academy Methodology" -> "Agile Learning Cycle" "Academy Methodology" -> "Learning Passport" "Academy Methodology" -> "Learning TimeBank" "Agile Teaching" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Academy Methodology" -> "Agile Teaching" "Agile Project Management" -> "Agile Teaching" "Agile Learning" -> "Agile Teaching" "Academy Methodology" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Agile Project Management" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Agile Learning" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Learning Pods" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Research Group" -> "Learning Pods" "Pods" -> "Learning Pods" "Outlandish Academy" -> "Learning Pods" "Academy Methodology" -> "Learning Pods" "Research Group" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Pods" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Outlandish Academy" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Academy Methodology" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Learning Roles" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Agile Learning Cycle" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Learning Passport" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "Learning TimeBank" node [style=filled fillcolor=green]}
To view writing and learning from the current group of researchers, check: - Autonomous School Zürich - Outlandish Activity - Wiki Map
# Topics - Agile Teaching - Learning Pods - Learning Roles - Agile Learning Cycle - Learning Passport - Learning TimeBank - Learning Gardens
# Context - An Outlandish Solution
# See also - Jigsaw - Flipped classroom - Challenge-based learning - Active learning - Learning by teaching - Massive open online course - Mastery learning