
FUCHS, Peter, 2004. Das System “Terror”: Versuch über eine kommunikative Eskalation der Moderne. Bielefeld: Transcript. Xtexte. ISBN 978-3-89942-247-4, pdf , p. 117:

The perspective of this book has, if one may put it paradoxically, a strictly essayistic character. We have tried out what one can come up with when discussing – guided by theory – an extraordinarily virulent problem of modern society. It is perfectly clear that the theses put forward are themselves highly debatable and in need of further research. It was not and is not about fundamental truths, but always only about connectivity, about what follows, about the continuation of communication. In this context, rigor and coolness are necessary if one is to succeed in not continuing the game of terror despite the communicative connection, although the theoretical considerations also seek their relation to the terrorist interruption of communication. Perhaps one can speak of a cold sabotage. Or: of a cold acrobatics, that is: of walking on a ridge, of standing on a peak.