
Interfacing with JavaScript via ports in Elm can be challenging. Building systems in the actor-model style is an unfamiliar task for many developers. Additionally, it can be hard to find examples of nice port implementations for any given task. github -- Matthew Cheely

Albert Dahlin Moving to the Actor Model in Elm Elm Europe 2019


Investigating the replicability of preclinical cancer biology elifesciences

> **Abstract**. Replicability is an important feature of scientific research, but aspects of contemporary research culture, such as an emphasis on novelty, can make replicability seem less important than it should be. The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology was set up to provide evidence about the replicability of preclinical research in cancer biology by repeating selected experiments from high-impact papers. A total of 50 experiments from 23 papers were repeated, generating data about the replicability of a total of 158 effects. Most of the original effects were positive effects (136), with the rest being null effects (22). A majority of the original effect sizes were reported as numerical values (117), with the rest being reported as representative images (41). We employed seven methods to assess replicability, and some of these methods were not suitable for all the effects in our sample. One method compared effect sizes: for positive effects, the median effect size in the replications was 85% smaller than the median effect size in the original experiments, and 92% of replication effect sizes were smaller than the original. The other methods were binary – the replication was either a success or a failure – and five of these methods could be used to assess both positive and null effects when effect sizes were reported as numerical values. For positive effects, 40% of replications (39/97) succeeded according to three or more of these five methods, and for null effects 80% of replications (12/15) were successful on this basis; combining positive and null effects, the success rate was 46% (51/112). A successful replication does not definitively confirm an original finding or its theoretical interpretation. Equally, a failure to replicate does not disconfirm a finding, but it does suggest that additional investigation is needed to establish its reliability.


Here is the JSON from a three loop CLD in the Arrows tool with more or less sensible labels, types, and property key value pairs. Skeletal but not insane.

YOUTUBE E0N138ThyMI Iterative modeling of corporate resources in a rapidly growing company (Neo4j Online Meetup #43), 2018

A decade of growth as a software as service company has led to continual change and some dramatic reorganizations. We observe our own evolution by collecting metadata from all aspects of our operations to build a graph based structure warehouse called El Dorado. We maintain over a hundred standard queries which we render as hyperlinked tables and diagrams. Ad-hoc variations are easily shared over corporate chat and when proven useful become part of our standard repertoire. This integrated view allows us to measure the penetration of new services and methods as well as track down lingering legacy resources. We’ve made some of our custom graph infrastructure open source as we think our approach to provenance could be generally useful.


My colleagues and I anticipated losing track of micro-services when they are freely created through self-service. Is this a problem? Andrew Ettinger initiated the further study of our engineering records that he dubbed El Dorado, the place of treasure.

An individual bounded context leaves some problems in the absence of a global view. The context of other models may still be vague and in flux.


Context Database Docker Build github

We collect structural data within these pages where it can be interactively transformed and assembled into a whole destine for downstream inquiry and analysis.

Iterative modeling of corporate resources in a rapidly growing company. video

We make available the search index as downloadable files in several formats including json objects designed for network graphing.

A good way to understand the federation is to write a sitemap scraper. matrix

PPolarityValue:PositiveNPPPolarityValue:NegativePolarityValue:NetativePPPPConfidenceto Performas CrewBeliefGroundedness:LowJudgementsSkills andTeamworkPersonCapabilityAdequacy for Situation:LowAbility toNavigateSystemCapabilityQuality:ImpairedCollisionOutcomeValuation:NegativeDamageOutcomeSeriousness:ManagableStuffCaught inPropellerConsequenceValuation:NegativePropellerWorkingOperationUnbound:FalseBoat inControlControlResposiveness:No ThrustAnxietyEmotionPersonDirection:NegativeIntensity:Moderate


> Sound foundations are an important point. There are things you can bolt on to something, but others you can't. One lesson people have learned in various contexts is that you extending code management tools to prose is straightforward, whereas adding code to text-based systems is very hard. Open and simple data formats and protocols matter as well: at some point, you do want to use some other tool on your data. GT vs. Emacs illustrates two more points: you want a graphical rather than just a textual environment, and code explainability requires support for dynamic exploration rather than just static inspection.

Tudor Girba via Discord > One thing to keep in mind is the meaning of moldability comes from our work and it's a little more than the ability to extend an environment: it's actually an active way of thinking with and about computation. While Emacs is interestingly programmable, it is not (yet) moldable in the same way GT is.


Moldable Emacs: let's make English easy to query! post

Tree Syntax of Natural Language pdf

> In linguistics and natural language processing, it is common to attribute labeled tree structures called syntactic trees or parse trees to phrases and sentences of human languages. An example is found above. The tree consists of a set of vertices (also known as nodes or addresses), including a unique root vertex which is drawn at the top. Each vertex has a label and an ordered sequence of children. In the example, the root vertex has label S and three children, which (in order) have labels PP, NP and VP. The child labeled VP has three children, which (in order) have the labels VBP, RB and VP. The child of VP with label VBP has one child, which has the label “have”, and the vertex labeled “have” has no children. Vertices which have no childeren are called terminal nodes. Other nodes are non-terminal nodes. A vertex right above a terminal node is a pre-terminal node. Table 1 gives the conventional long pronunciations of the pre-terminal labels used in the example tree. These pre-terminal labels correspond to the parts of speech of traditional grammar. In NLP usage, the term part of speech is lengthened to part of speech tag, and then shortened to tag. So in this tree, the tag for built is VBD.



State of Elm Packages. discourse


Ren is a functional, immutable-by-default, dynamically typed scripting language. Combining productive functional features such as tagged unions and pattern matching with the freedom of JavaScript, Ren strikes a pragmatic balance between safety and flexibility. site