
How do authors who call themselves communists analyze the current situation? For example: "plot point" which wants to distinguish itself from "reactionary organs of the left-wing public sphere such as "Junge Welt," "Neues Deutschland," and the 'konkret' magazine."

"Selbstverständnis" page / Self-image

> The main economic pillars of the New Bourgeoisie are the historical remnants of the former GDR bourgeoisie and the layer of managerial executives of capital and its state and its "apron organizations," which increases with the developing stepladder of capitalist production and the corresponding formation of the state-legal superstructure. In accordance with its class interest, it strives for a state-capitalist reproduction totality in which the development of the productive forces is to be fettered not only economically by the relations of production but also by the political form of a despotic regime.

**Context**: Ein Querfrontler gegen den Westen – Über den „konkret“-Autor Jörg Kronauer post


"Welle machen" post

> It would be nice and not conducive to political dumbing down if both RT Germany and DW in Russia had to stop broadcasting forever. RT is a freak show with a disinformation mission, in which everything the Kremlin thinks could harm the West has its say. Hamas fan Martin Lejeune is allowed to spout off just as much as Trotskyist forest rats found in dusty second-hand bookstores. DW, as an external investigation recently revealed, has been very busy filling its Middle East bureaus with anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers. And in hatred of Jews and the Jewish state, and in dull anti-Americanism, DW and RT harmonize like newlyweds.

“We, the Pöbel,” January 6, 2022. post .

> The strange oscillation between seriousness and non-seriousness that characterized the Trump era […]

> […] no one needs to go through the hardships of being a soldier in order to insulate oneself from any experience of what one is not.

> Externalization of internal contradictions onto an external enemy. Today, however, there is nothing left to integrate, certainly not an entire, once exterritorial class. The only thing that remains to be organized is disintegration, the permanent everyone-for-himself-and-everyone-against-everyone.

> At the center of Maga's ideology is not the external enemy but the internal one: the coastal and urban dwellers who think they are better. No president before Trump was so openly president only of those states that had also elected him; the rest, from California to Puerto Rico, could see where he stayed in case of disaster.


STRELA ⇒ Presseinformation zu aktueller Berichterstattung hier: Gefährdung durch weitere Munition der Bundeswehr pdf / Press release on current reporting, here: Endangerment by further ammunition of the German Federal Armed Forces

> Die Flugkörper vom Typ „STRELA“ sind seit 2012 für die Nutzung gesperrt.

(The "STRELA" type missiles have been closed for use since 2012.)

MANPADS "Strela" page ⇒ "Strela-2"


SeanDeNigris — 2022-03-03 via discord DM