
Markus Wiedenmaier, tweet , linkedin ⇒ How consistent Digitization can help achieve climate targets. post (de)

* Wiki is found at the intersection of different time (asynchronous) and different place (remote) * Wall Displays are located in the quadrant same time / place – and related to face to face interactions ? * Continous task (large public display) ⇒ Behavior Tree

Trevor / Traxap — discord Hello! I am an intern at Croquet, and over the past two weeks, @Platypus and I have been building a racing game named Turbo Track using the #microverse-builder and #croquet-os. The game is 4-player (four cars) and features a full race track, a lap/checkpoint system (like that seen in Mario kart - 3 laps), race timers, changing views depending on the screen size (so both computer and phone users and play), and more. **To play the game, you can get into the world at https://croquet.io/turbotrack and click on one of the colored teleporters (cubes).** Note that you can play with multiple people if you send them the long link that you get after getting into the game (.../turbotrack/?q=...). Clicking on one of them will teleport you to a location so you can see the whole track, and from there you can use the controller (sphere) to move the car. We are also adding physics and grass slowdown mechanics, so that going off the track adds some consequence.

> In my opinion, the most fun part of building this world was getting the behaviors and cards to work together. Connecting different behaviors/cards using the publish/subscribe/say methods is really powerful and allows for a lot of expansion on the basic cards. For example, when using the controller, the change in xyz from where the user starts dragging to where the user finishes dragging gets published to the car, and the rotation and speed get decided from that. On the other hand, the biggest annoyance I had was getting the translations and rotations to work with the cards (and especially the avatar). Unfortunately, with this, there is a lot of trial and error, which can't really be avoided. But it was nice to have the ctrl+click properties menu so a lot of this testing can be done within the world. Overall we are pretty happy with the result, but there are definitely some things to add to the game. Hopefully, we will be able to make some more changes in the future, so if you have feedback, feel free to reply to this message and we will take it into account if/when we work on it again.

DOT FROM lambda-browsing

Search for GLB sample files

* `2CylinderEngine.glb` github

* Cables – https://cables.gl/signup

* Trimesh – https://github.com/mikedh/trimesh

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DOBZINSKI, Oren and WING, Jeannette M, [no date]. A Software Composition Flaw in Google Desktop Search. pdf

> Modern software systems are composed of different modules and objects that interact with each other. Each of these components may satisfy a local security policy. It may also satisfy a global security policy with respect to its intended operating environment. However, when many components are put together, because of unexpected interactions among them, a local security policy and/or the global security policy may be violated. A composition flaw is when the execution of a composition of separately secure components leads to a system state in which a local or the global security policy is invalidated1. We are particularly interested in composition flaws at the design, not code level and therefore are currently exploring the nature of these flaws so we can detect them automatically before the composition is performed. Our long-term goal is to identify new kinds of composition flaws before attackers discover and exploit them. As a first step towards this goal we show an analysis of a recent composition flaw discovered in the Google Desktop Search application, a flaw that compromises users’ privacy. We show the principles of this type of flaws and describe our approach to detecting them.

[…] In a short technical meeting, both teams weighed possible composition solutions
 against each other. They quickly realized that composition via iframe would be the 
fastest way to get this done. With iframes, it’s possible to embed one page into another page while maintaining
 the same loose coupling and robustness properties that the link integration provides.
 Iframes come with strong isolation. What happens in the iframe stays in the iframe.
 But they also have significant drawbacks, which we’ll also discuss in this chapter.

GEERS, Michael, 2020. Micro Frontends in action. Shelter Island: Manning. ISBN 978-1-61729-687-1.

> Micro Frontends deliver the same flexibility and maintainability to browser-based applications that microservices provide for backend systems. You design your project as a set of standalone components that include their own interfaces, logic, and storage. Then you develop these mini-applications independently and compose them in the browser. “Micro Frontends in Action” teaches you to apply the microservices approach to the frontend. You’ll start with the core micro frontend design ideas. Then, you’ll build an e-commerce application, working through practical issues like server-side and client-side composition, routing, and maintaining a consistent look and feel. Finally, you’ll explore team workflow patterns that maximize the benefit of developing application components independently


Stadt Ulm schmeißt Hackerspace raus – und will den Namen auch gleich haben – https://netzpolitik.org/2022/verschwoerhaus-stadt-ulm-schmeisst-hackerspace-raus-und-will-den-namen-auch-gleich-haben , tweet

SeanDeNigris — discord Just watched Hitchhiker's Guide No. 16 with @Oscar Nierstrasz (https://youtu.be/L9ndtPNCqbI) which centered on exporting Lepiter pages, especifically to markdown. Two thing in case it helps: 1. You can do aPage asMarkdownString, so the basic functionality that started to be handrolled in the video is already available built-in 2. The exporter visitor mentioned in the video is part of the PharoEnhancements project. The main class is https://github.com/seandenigris/Pharo-Enhancements/blob/master/src/PharoEnhancements-GToolkit/LeGitHubExporterVisitor.class.st. The interesting bit in the screencast below is that the class link in the Lepiter page is coverted to a link to the class tonel file on GH. At the bottom, you can see if the method doesn't exist, it quotes the code without creating the link. The exporter is far from feature complete, but covered my initial use case. YouTube Glamorous Toolkit Hitchhiker's Guide to the Glamorous World #16: Oscar Nierstrasz - A... Bild