Address and Localization

Adresse und Lokalisierung in einem globalen Kommunikationssystem

In the World Society of the present, which is based on communications that are globally accessible to one another, communication media function as instruments for the globalization of communication. This is something that Niklas Luhmann has worked out with all clarity.

According to Luhmann, communication media perform the transformation of improbable into probable communication.

It is improbable that someone understands something else or another. The symbolic generalizations on which the communication medium language rests react to this. These try to induce a sameness of understanding among the participants.

Furthermore, it is unlikely that social others will be addressed or even reached by the increasingly specific communicative impositions of meaning in a differentiated society. This is responded to by dissemination media such as writing, letterpress, and many others that extremely expand the catchment area of reachable others in time and space.

And it is, thirdly, unlikely that those now reachable increasingly distant others should be influenced by communication alone.

The Media of Success, such as power, love, and money, respond to this by incorporating persuasive effects or pressures into communications that increase the likelihood of adopting the meaning being proffered. From the first moment, the logic of media-mediated communication is that it allows us to go beyond the immediacy of the physical coordination of a few participants and sets up contexts that drive the globalization of communication.


Access Information, p. 222

Kategorienzugehörigkeit, p. 229 Es gibt einen Typus des Verhaltens, den all diese Leute schon einmal an den Tag gelegt haben, aber ohne notwendigerweise voneinander zu wissen. ⇒ Lebenslauf


Stichweh, Die Weltgesellschaft.


Establish Rules (in the context of a new(?) media of sucess: computational systems) with emphasis on the difference between Organization and SocietyPatterns of Organization

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