What do we do with the excluded, who don't agree?
And in science they are supposed to write a better Theory, but from the point of view of ethos, from the point of view of the normative or moral basic doctrine, one can't really deal with them at all; they are just, somehow heretics or whatever, and Niklas Luhmann just finds it..., to play the whole thing over onto a, a merely scientific terrain,
> I also find, again, politically meaningful. Every assertion of criteria, every assertion of starting points, premises, etc., or of theory structures always creates people who don't agree.
In a Radio Bremen interview conducted by Wolfgang Hagen, Niklas Luhmann provides information about himself and his work that has been rather sparse up to now. (1997-10-02) mp3 , pdf
The difference between Inclusion and Exclusion refers to the way in which a society permits individuals to be persons and therefore to participate in communication.
agree | BrE əˈɡriː, AmE əˈɡri | A intransitive verb 1 (consent) einverstanden sein ▸ agree to or with sth/to do sth mit etw. einverstanden sein/damit einverstanden sein, etw. zu tun ▸ we can only agree to differ or disagree wir können nur darin übereinstimmen, dass wir nicht übereinstimmen 2 (hold similar opinion) einer Meinung sein ▸ they agreed [with me] sie waren derselben Meinung [wie ich] ▸ agree with sb about or on sth/that … jmdm. in etw. (Dat.) zustimmen/jmdm. darin zustimmen, dass … ▸ I agree stimmt ▸ I couldn't agree more ich bin völlig deiner Meinung ▸ do you agree with what I say? stimmst du darin mit mir überein? 3 (reach similar opinion) agree on sth sich über etw. (Akk.) einigen ▸ we could not agree on how … wir konnten uns nicht darüber einigen, wie … 4 (harmonize) übereinstimmen ▸ sth agrees with sth etw. stimmt mit etw. überein ▸ make agree zur Übereinstimmung bringen ▸ agree closely weitgehend übereinstimmen 5 (suit) agree with sb ‹Essen›: jmdm. bekommen 6 (Linguistics) übereinstimmen B transitive verb 1 (reach agreement about) vereinbaren 2 (consent to) agree sth einer Sache (Dat.) zustimmen