The user need. wardleypedia , post
⇒ Essential Needs
> An essential part of mapping is the anchor of user needs. Ideally you want to create an environment where your needs are achieved by meeting the needs of your users. Be mindful that these needs will evolve due to competition and in the uncharted space they are uncertain. Also, be aware that users may have different and competing needs and be prepared to balance the conflict.
The position of components in the map are shown relative to that user on a Value Chain, represented by the y-axis. Each component needs the component below it, however the higher up the map a component is then the more visible it becomes to the user. The lower it is then the less visible it becomes. For example, in that first map the user cares about online photo storage but whilst this needs the provision of underlying components such as compute and power, those components are positioned far from the user and hence are less visible.
We have experience making and sharing in federated wiki. Here we ask how Croquet might similarly support collecting and transporting things between worlds.