

For Friederike Otto, another co-founder of attribution research and a researcher at the Institute of Climate Change at Imperial College London, it's clear: "Climate change is an absolute game changer: what used to be rare events are now common summers."


Climate researcher Friederike Otto, who conducts research at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London and also contributed to the IPCC's latest assessment report, told the Taz in mid-July: "Even in theory, one would (...) come up with the idea that heat waves are increasing. But we also have climate models, so to speak our physical understanding in equation form, where you see a very strong increase." Otto conducts attribution research: she investigates what part carbon dioxide emissions play in the formation of certain weather phenomena, in other words, she assigns, attributes. This research straddles meteorology and climatology. Otto's 2019 book, "Angry Weather. In search of the culprits for heat waves, floods and storms" is one of the relevant non-fiction books on the subject.