Between Content and Context

The Inside of a Container supports concurrent transformation of its contents, just like the inside of a theater full of People supports concurrent breathing.

In that metaphor, all transactions are between a person and the air in the room, between content and context. There is no interaction between contents, no direct connections between people in the room. All may be immersed in (contained by) watching the movie. None are watching the other movie-goers.


BRICKEN, William, 2019. Iconic Arithmetic Volume I: The Design of Mathematics for Human Understanding. Unary press. ISBN 978-1-73248-513-6, p. 138.

Luhmann’s radically ‘anti-humanist’ answer to the mind–society problem is one of the most controversial elements of his theory: Operationally speaking, minds and society are not connected.

An internal link's Context provides a path to be searched when the link is clicked. The origin, the remote site, the reference cite and forks in the journal all contribute to the context.

We suggest a new kind of content that can be created and shared within the federation with new rules for authorship and persistence. We intend this for fast distribution as one would expect in a conversation but with a well supported path to curated persistence expected of a wiki.

We've written a number of one-off content translators that usually involve adapting old scripts to new circumstances. In a recent conversion we found making two sites useful where the second site records the difficulties and solutions used to produce the first. This replaces console.log with hypertext.

An individual Bounded Context leaves some problems in the absence of a global view. The context of other models may still be vague and in Flux.

For example, most chess players do not write the software that helps them play chess. Rather, they become competent users of that software, discovering and applying methods for working with each other. They are the "programmers" of a context enabled by a shared expertise. The "code" they write is a set of patterns and practices that govern work in that context.

a visual way of remembering the contents of a page. It acts like a page-flag, but for individual Wiki Pages rather than entire domains.

Re: Unexpected Item. We can't make sense of the drop. – But reminds me of Context Icons matrix

Pedagogical school leadership as context control represents a model for action and orientation. page

This book contains various Leibniz contexts, both as examples for studying and as foundations to build on.

Multiple models are in play on any large project. Yet when code based on distinct models is combined, software becomes buggy, unreliable, and difficult to understand. Communication among team members becomes confused. It is often unclear in what context a model should not be applied.

An idea should be able to evolve in its own niche. It should not be swamped too early by mainstream ideas. It should not be trolled out of existence, nor privy only to the bold. Our ideas must be allowed their introversion.

Use inspection and cross-referencing tools to assemble a mental model of the as-is program

Or the Direction in which Mice traverse a Maze.

Or the Direction in which Mice traverse a Maze.

Humans are especially adept at resolving ambiguity with context.

Invocation context is the key to managing the value of `this` within a function. `this` is one way to facilitate code reuse, by making our functions more general. Instead of operating on one specific object in the scope in which they are declared, they can instead operate on the object that is their invocation context.

We've found a way of watching large software developments that recalls DDD's Context Map. Here we collect and organize materials for its presentation.

All efficient algorithms for parsing context-free grammars make use of some kind of well-formed substring table. Earley's algorithm (1970) is perhaps the best-known example. The algorithm builds up a vector of parse lists, where each entry in a parse list is an item – a production rule with one indicator showing how much of the righthand side has been parsed, and another saying where the parse started.

Assets are files presented to the internet for use in wiki and elsewhere. The Assets plugin provides a wiki user interface for managing and sharing folders of assets.

We collect structural data within these pages where it can be interactively transformed and assembled into a whole destine for downstream inquiry and analysis.

Several authors have returned to my 1994 pattern language dubbed Episodes. This has been recognized as a founding work in the history of Agile. So an inquiry into roots of the now accepted and consequently diluted practices might want to know more about how Episodes came to be.

We have found that an html script sandboxed within a Frame plugin must distinguish three resource locations: origin, site and host.

Why have you put rack in custom build? youtubetranscript

But just finding where you could invest is not enough, you now need to answer the question of why here over there. Many factors are involved in such investment decisions and they are strongly influenced by the ways in which you might manipulate the market (along with more mundane aspects like financial models, which you can also build from maps). So, it’s fairly useful to have been learning and recording those context specific patterns. I’ve provided you a list which I’ve also categorised for you. Do remember, some of these are slightly evil and so use t

We send a message to the Frame asking it to send us info about the page surrounding it. mdn

The third of four Relatively Adequate Hypotheses in World Hypotheses: A Study in Evidence (1942), _Chapter X: Contexualism_, is considered to be the most significant philosophical contribution of Stephen C. Pepper.


Contrast this network of objects and messages crossing distinctions with the best explanations of how we think.

Optimizing Sideways Composition: Fast Context-oriented Programming in ContextPyPy. acm

Federated wiki collects context for links based on sites mentioned on the page. This context is consulted when a link is clicked.

The lineup provides context for and view into pages. Interactive, animated, dragged adjustments to this context would make this behavior more obvious.

Context specific patterns that user can apply