Under conditions of Profilicity, just as with Sincerity and Authenticity, People and Organizations circle around Causes like moths around a flame. (Moeller and D’Ambrosio, You and Your Profile, p. 26)
DOT strict digraph rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black fontname="Helvetica"] HERE NODE node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] WHERE /^Next/ LINKS HERE -> NODE node [style=filled fillcolor=white] HERE NODE WHERE /^Next/ LINKS HERE -> NODE node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=black] LINKS HERE -> NODE node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] HERE NODE LINKS HERE -> NODE node [style="filled,rounded,dotted" fillcolor=white] edge [style=dotted] HERE NODE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black fontname="Helvetica"] "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=black] "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" -> "hypergraph" "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" -> "causal graph" "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" -> "observer] can set up some kind of [[reference frame" "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" -> "branchial space" "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" -> "branching brain" "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" -> "Formal Structure" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "hypergraph" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "causal graph" "causal graph" -> "time" "causal graph" -> "causal graph" "causal graph" -> "causal relationships" "causal graph" -> "Action" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "branchial space" "branchial space" -> "Causal graphs" "branchial space" -> "evolution" "branchial space" -> "causal relationships" "branchial space" -> "multiway system" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "branching brain" "branching brain" -> "branching brain" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Formal Structure" "Formal Structure" -> "Formal Structure" "Formal Structure" -> "Multicomputation" "Formal Structure" -> "event" "Formal Structure" -> "being the same" "Formal Structure" -> "subgraphs" "Formal Structure" -> "token-event graph" "Formal Structure" -> "Physicalized Concepts" "Formal Structure" -> "Multicomputation" node [style="filled,rounded,dotted" fillcolor=white] edge [style=dotted] "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" "Causal Graph" -> "Leveraging Ideas from Physics" "Observers" -> "Leveraging Ideas from Physics"}