Challenge Assumptions

Maps allow for assumptions to be visually exposed. You should encourage challenge to any map with a focus on creating a better map and a better understanding. Don’t be afraid of challenge, there is no place for ego if you want to learn.

There is little point in focusing on user needs, creating a common language through the use of a map and sharing it transparently in the organisation if no-one is willing to challenge it. This act should be a duty for everyone in the company. [⇐ Focus On User Needs, Use a Common Language]

I didn’t care if it was my pet project, I needed people to openly and honestly tell me where they thought I was going wrong. This requires not only transparency but also trust.

Any form of retribution or bias against someone for challenging is a deadly sin that will harm your company. As the CEO, I made my CFO the XO back in 2004. One of his duties was to challenge my choices and to encourage this sort of questioning. page