Change from Quant to Qual

Changeover from Quantitative to Qualitative

BENASAYAG, Miguel, 2018. Humans, not machines, create meaning. Online. 25 June 2018. [Accessed 6 April 2023]. Available from:

> Many AI researchers are convinced that the difference between living intelligence and artificial intelligence is quantitative, whereas it is qualitative.

ROTH, Wolff-Michael, 2019. How to generate evidence for the emergence of new psychological forms: Grundlegung der Psychologie and its contribution to method. Kritische Psychologie. 2019. Vol. 16, p. 719–740. ⇒ Evidencing New Psych Forms

KOMLÓSSY, Laura and VARGÁNÉ KÖRMENDI, Gyöngyi, 2019. China in Search of Equilibrium: Transition Dilemmas of Growth and Stability. Financial and Economic Review. 2019. Vol. 18, no. 3, p. 114–134.