
"A Clock, after all, tells people what to do, not the other way around." – Ward Cunningham

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We can experience Time as ticking, simply because at some point clocks were invented that have unbalances, and then clocks that have a second hand, so that you can see how time moves forward bit by bit, which, it is clear, it does not. On my desk there is a very nice, heavy, old-fashioned alarm *clock* that ticks silently away and that I always forget to wind up. And then it's always the case that after a while I notice from the absence of the ticking that this time (this ticking or digital one) is suddenly gone, and then I always feel quite eerie. – Peter Fuchs (2001). Das Weltbildhaus und die Siebensachen der Moderne. Sozialphilosophische Vorlesungen, p. 306