Today a German colleague brought us news of Silke's fatal accident while hiking in the Liechtenstein Alps. We were pleased to be mentioned in her book, Free, Fair and Alive and to have helped that work in a small way. She will be missed while her work continues. book
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This is where I develop work in progress towards a cluster of formacion coops - a venture following the vision of Robin Murray in **making the living economy**. It exploits the new thinking of the **DisCO governance model** for distributed, commons-oriented coops and aims for a radical co-produced infrastructuring of **tools for conviviality** in activist practice.
#What? [add name]
Wie behaupten sich Commons in commonsfeindlichen Kontexten?
Here we engage a number of large- and small-p political traditions that need to be drawn on in determining how commons of digital infrastructure may be stewarded.
In an e-mail from March 17, 2017 Weber reminds us Heinz von Förster’s constructivist ethics which goes “always act according to the rule that the possibilities of new relationships grow”. In that very spirit he writes:
In *Danger and opportunity* Robin explores the changing nature of ‘the real economy’ of material provisioning (‘use-value’, as the tradition calls it) and uses a schema that carries far more significance, I think, than he gave to it there. How it works and how it needs to be mobilised is too much to develop here but the bones are as follows.
Pattern Languages are tools for sense-making and purpose driven design. Their purpose is (meeting our need for) wholeness and enlivenment. Each pattern of a Pattern Language allows us to semi-formalize and communicate both expert and tacit knowledge within a specific domain of practice.
Here we outline a series of emergent relations of cultural production, over a couple of hundred years. Making a living economy needs to discover how to systematically mobilise all of these, in a radically altered mode of cultural production: a practice of radical knowing.
Podding is the core activity of the college. Here we describe the activities and aims of pods.
Pattern number and name:
Der deutsche Staatsrechtler Reinhold Zippelius (Allgemeine Staatslehre, 17. Auflage, § 27) spricht von der "überlegenen Entscheidungsmacht" des Staates:
Here you find a list (an alphabetical order) of commons/commoning projects with transnational scope and impact.
See David Bollier & Silke Helfrich, Free, Fair and Alive, the insurgent power of the commons for more neighborhood patterns and Patterns of Commoning abstracted from their books.
This is a case study on Buurtzorg by David Bollier. I leave his text integrally whole. However, it seems to me that Buurtzorg does have nothing to do with Commoning. The organization is a private company, and the operating model is entirely geared toward securing government contracts for homecare in the context of the Dutch law, including tax and social security legislation. Buurtzorg is, for what I know, not a cooperative, and the patients are not members and do not have a say in the governance of the organization. So what are the commons here and h
Schools in the Faculty of subsistence work
Work in progress @ jan2010 on a chapter for 'A book for Robin' (Robin Murray) **Dual power, the pivotal mutual sector and practice in the commons - From economics to organising**.
Here we explore what it takes for wiki to become widely used by people who need to collaborate, distributed across diverse locations, in producing, mobilising and stewarding radical understandings and practical capabilities, as distinct from (but mobilising) radical capabilities in code.
Here we explore sufficiency as an alternative, in a regime of commoning, to growth, accumulation, territoriality and individualism.
Commoning is at the heart of the pattern language which is needed in making the living economy. But it’s not only ‘on the curriculum’ . . something to be grasped and communicated and mobilised in well-founded pattern descriptions, across diverse sectors of economic life.
Here we develop a frame for making the living economy using pattern language.
Hier entwickeln verschiedene Menschen Muster des Commoning. Diese werden in eine Mustersprache des Commoning einfließen.
Here we develop a mapping of emergent digital infrastructure and its governance in a commons.
Writer, culture hacker, designer-maker, anthropologist . . I'm from Venus, what is it you do round here? aka barefoot doc. Here's some story, some reflections, some back catalogue
Vgl. Prozessdefinition bei Nicolas Rescher:
In the 70s, his *Deschooling society* and *Tools for conviviality* brought me to a participant awareness of radical professionalism, as a historical movement of baby-boomers.
The college has two features that bear specifically on the skilful production of capability in activist formations. The first is a fundamental working mode of ‘pods’. The second is several families of patterns that are stewarded by particular Schools of the college, which make reflexive contributions to college practice itself.
>More to be added. This is just a sketch xxx
There is a basic proposition here: In constructing learning space, diving into a specialised bundle of tools for delivering content to an audience might not be the move to make. There might be a bundle of more generic tools, for P2P collaborating and coproduction, that will do a large part of the work involved in researching, communicating understandings and making discoveries. In a collective.
Establishing a CPP requires commoners to articulate their needs and interests, and reconcile them with state power through a CPP. The inevitable Ontoclash between State and Commoners (as two systems of power and culture) must be resolved through a challenging, stepwise process assisted, if possible, through available legal forms. Remember: there is no panacea or off-the-shelf solution, but here are useful templates for enacting CPPs.
Various forms of class practice in the producing and mobilising of knowledges have evolved during Fordism and post-Fordism. Altered relations of production (aRoPs) in this dimension of knowing constitute different cultural formations - activist formations, radical formations, prefigurative formations - with different scopes and different politics. Four RoPs are highlighted.
**The ‘hidden curriculum’ of institutionalised college practice**
Silke Helfrich is an uninstitutionalized academic and independent activist
Here we collect projects, concepts, ideas and readings to come up with what we provisionally call *macropatterns of commoning*. Some might think of them as patterns needed to "scale" the commons. That's not exactly what we have in mind, but it's pretty close.
Hier sammele ich alle Links, die ich von makecommoningwork umziehe auf Patterns of Commoning, weil nur hier die Mustersprache zu Hause sein soll.
What is the project all about? When you open a sub-panel via this template, the name of the tool/project/initiative will convert into the title of this panel. However, a few lines can be added as short description.
Here we explore the practical relationships between specialised digital tools for provisioning and the generic stack of digital tools for activist practice.
What is the project all about? When you open a sub-panel via this template, the name of the tool/project/initiative will convert into the title of this panel. However, a few lines can be added as short description.
# ge.CO
# Dimensionen des Comomning - ist immer einzigartig, weil sich konkrete Handlungsumstände ebenso ändern wie wir und unsere Beziehungen - kann eine Ethik des Sorgetragens erzeugen. Leila Dawney meint gar: “Zuwendung [ist] ein natürliches Ergebnis von commoning." (Dawney, 2013) - ist potentiell verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit der Natur. "Wenn wir fühlen, [...] dass wir an etwas beteiligt sind, das uns […] übersteigt, dann können wir ein Ethos gemeinsamer Verantwortung [...] für unsere Welt entwickeln.", so Dawney. Das ist eine Möglichkeit, keine Realitätsbeschreibung. Tatsächlich verdrängen viele „digitale Commoners“ oft unsere Abhängigkeit von natürlichen Ressourcen. - bedarf emotionaler Arbeit. Wir müssen uns in der Unsicherheit menschlicher und gesellschaftlicher Beziehungen zurechtfinden und das führt uns immer wieder in die Begegnung mit unserem Selbst. - führt zu einer pluralistischen Ethik, denn commoning geschieht nur selten unter wirklich Gleichgesinnten, sondern Menschen ganz unterschiedliche Ansichten und mit verschiedenen Interessen bringen diese miteinander in Einklang bringen - ehrt verkörpertes und situationsspezifisches Wissen. Die Welt ist ein Netz von Beziehungen ohne Innen und Außen. Kulturen, Bräuche und Rituale spiegeln das. So haben im mittelalterlichen England Commoners ihr Alltagswissen unter anderem durch die quantitative Begrenzung ihrer eigenen Nutzungen von Wäldern, Ackerland oder Wasser umgesetzt (stinting). Dabei ging es nicht um den Zugang selbst, sondern um konkrete Nutzungsobergrenzen, was ein tiefes ökologisches Wissen zur Grundlage hat. - kennt Grenzziehungen aber keine starren Grenzen. Von Fall zu Fall sind konkrete Grenzziehungen notwendig. Commons sind kein Schlaraffenland, wo sich jede*r nach Gutdünken bedienen kann. - schafft sozial und rechtlich Neues. Beispiel Solidarische Landwirtschaft: auf der Next Farm Over in Hadley, Massachusetts, erwerben die Mitglieder einmal im Jahr einen Ernteanteil, den sie einmal pro Woche abholen können. Es gibt keine festen Preise und in der Regel auch keine präzisen Mengenangaben (manchmal Obergrenzen), wie viele Tomaten, Gurken, Radieschen und Salat sie mitnehmen können. Die Mitglieder füllen entweder große, mittlere oder kleine Taschen mit dem Gemüse das sie bevorzugen, je nach dem welchen Anteil (groß, mittel oder klein) sie vor der Produktion erworben haben. Ist die Ernte schlecht, gibt es von dem Mitgliedsbeitrag nichts zurück, denn die Mitglieder einer SoLaWi teilen sich das Produktionsrisiko. So entstehen aus dem gemeinsamen Experimentieren nicht nur soziale Innovationen, sondern auch neue Institutionen und sogar Rechtsformen. - bietet Atempausen vom Kapitalismus, denn es ist auf eine andere Vision des menschlichen Lebens gerichtet als jene, die der Kapitalismus vorgibt. Das heißt auch, dass wir Gesellschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft anders analysieren und besprechen müssen, "epistemisch vom Kapital entkoppelt" wie der Politikwissenschaftler Massimo De Angelis (2012) resümiert. Dadurch öffnen sich ein Denken und eine Sprache, die nicht-kapitalistische Weisen fördert, unsere Welten immer wieder neu herzustellen. Und das wiederum ist Grundlage für eine andere gesellschaftliche Ordnung.
Aber gemach, denn "Commoning [ist] ein Konzept, dem sich nur genähert, das aber nie vollständig erreicht werden kann,” (Euler 2017). Und das nicht zuletzt, weil andere gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse notwendig wären, um das Potential von Commons und Commoning zu entfalten. Doch es gibt nicht das Eine vor dem Anderen, sondern beides zugleich und durch-ein-ander.
# Quellen
Beitrag von Silke Helfrich in Contraste Juni 2017
# Siehe auch - Commoning the Anthropocene
# Subcategories
# A Framework for Understanding Commons & Commoning
Here we describe the ‘cells’ that are being created in this venture: living cells of formacion in making the living economy. We describe the operational domains of each of the cell-coops, which are broadly distinguished according to which of **three landscapes of practice** they are primarily oriented to. The coops are intended to have differing, complementary, interacting scopes: they are an ecosystem.
Here we describe the ethos of a family of **distributed cooperative organisations** (DisCOs), including care work, contribution of different kinds, commoning, and mechanics and principles of credit.
The work of commoning comprises three basic elements: curating, stewarding and enjoying. Here we discuss these and their important dual role in the college - as elements in the pattern language, as as activities conducted within the college.
Now for the most basic principles of a college - or actually, *patterns* of college practice. These are patterns of *commoning*, and patterns of *livelihood* in commons production.
In an excellent essay from 2016 about Tamera Ecovillage (Radical Environmentalism and Commoning pdf , the portuguese sociologist Ana Margarida Esteves approaches commoning - following Massimo de Angelis on Commoning as follows:
Welche Formen der Finanzierung können Commoning unterstützen?
The job of the college is **scope** across a pluriversal division of labour:
Here we collect questions to unpack three major themes:
Wie ist dem Kommerzialisierungsdruck zu begegnen? Wie ist zu vermeiden, dass Geld zuviel Einfluss bekommt?
Inter-commoning describes the ambassadorial work of connecting different commons to coordinate and collaborate at higher, aggregated levels.
Mike Hales is a culture hacker, researcher-designer and writer, who’s worked in the chemical industry, regional economic strategy, national systems of innovation and the participatory design of workplace IT infrastructures.
This is our first attempt to coin the dimensions of commoning (April 2017). It has been the basis for the framing of Make commoning work.
Commoning ist, was Menschen in ihren jeweiligen Umgebungen gemeinverantwortlich entscheiden und regeln, wenn sie miteinander gut auskommen und so viel Wohlstand wie möglich für alle schaffen wollen.
This brief coda pulls together notes under:
Wir haben Dutzende Commons besucht, mit Hunderten Menschen gesprochen und in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur zahlreiche Fallbeispiele durchgesehen. Beim gemeinsamen Nachdenken und Analysieren all dessen, begannen wir die Muster zu erkennen, die unseres Erachtens entscheidend für den Erhalt und die Entwicklung der Commons sind. Sie weisen einen Weg, wie die „große Transformation“ gelingen kann.
Soziokratie : Seit 1994 sind in den Niederlanden alle Organisationen, die Soziokratische Kreismethode anwenden, von der gesetzlichen Verpflichtung befreit, einen Betriebsrat zu haben.
Wie sind Abgrenzungen beschaffen, die Commons identifizieren und schützen?
# A Framework for Understanding Commons & Commoning
Alexander's pattern language has a very strong and intuitively meaningful hierarchical structuring of its patterns, generated from the order of material-architectural space. It runs from the region, thro the urban complex and district, to the cluster of buildings or amenities, and into the detailing of buildings, rooms and discrete inhabitable spaces.
This anthology of essays, co-edited by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich and published in 2015, surveys dozens of notable commons from around the world that exhibit different forms of governance and provisioning in different resource domains.
Hier sammeln wir konkrete Fälle, Gesetze, Regelungen usw, die die Entfaltung von Commons aktiv verhindern bzw. blockieren.
**The ‘hidden curriculum’ of institutionalised college practice**
Hier sammeln wir politische Entscheidungen, Fälle, Gesetze, Regelungen und so weiter, die die Entfaltung von Commons aktiv fördern.
Hier listen wir einige Rechtsformen, die im Commons-Kontext eine Rolle spielen und ordnen sie auf ihre Tragfähigkeit ein. Leitende Frage ist, ob sie Commoning behindern oder unterstützen.
Here we explore 'shared learning space' as a layered constellation of commons: of running code, of digital media, and of radical, transformative, activist labour-power.
Here we offer a frame for conceptualising **practice**; specifically transformative, **activist** practice: notably the practice of **making the living economy**. It furnishes the frame - forces of production, relations of production - for a **pattern language of commoning** and also for the foprop projects.
**foprop** = forces of production, relations of production. The project has five streams of work in progress, oriented to the conduct of a transformational **activist life**, and making **a Living Economy** of **P2P-commons**.
Die folgende Liste ist unvollständig und versteht sich als erste Annäherung. Sie kann und soll fortgesetzt werden.
Attention in making a living economy needs to be directed to three fields of an extended ontology, of what is ‘material’. Each field has a distinct material form, with which we can have distinctly different kinds of relations - this is an intrinsically ‘relational’ division of attention.
Here we’re demonstrating the way pattern language is mobilised, by assembling constellations of patterns that may then be ‘sung’ or ‘danced’ into an activist practice of formaciòn (understanding, organising, capability building) and, through that, into Making the living economy.
Far-reaching, college-level matters are part of the concern of the Faculty of stewarding, with its very large field of reach, although some of them live in other Faculties.
Welche Infrastrukturen werden genutzt und aufgebaut?
As an initiative of **commons transition** - a primary motivation behind the DisCO model - DisCOs are organised also to contribute in commons that are much larger in scope and scale than the coop and its livelihood work. This is a complex work culture, and a juggling act as a political economy at the organisational level. It rests on a foundational technology of sensitively developed **contribution accounting**. This commitment to commoning is fundamental; it’s a reminder that a coop is not, per se, a commons; and that the difference and the practical re
The western appreciation of first nations ways of knowing and doing is beginning to gain attention. Notions of ownership of land and things, connection to the land and the interrelatedness of all that live on it, and the importance of the collective deserve our attention.