Connect 2 Apps

The Elm Architecture provides init, update, view and rendering on the client side. elm-pages runs init on the server. It takes the Elm app you write and runs it in 2 places. It runs on the server and it runs on the client, in the browser.


It runs it twice and it creates 2 applications. [⇒ Smalltalk Class/Metaclass Kernel, Actor/Pawn PairAvatar Object Distinction: "as the View moves first and then the model gets updated for Avatars" ⇒ Present the Initial ModelGet State]


The server one runs without a browser (a headless application). It runs your init function without any of the Commands page . It takes your data from init and renders that to an HTML string, and then that is the inital response sent to the client. So the client has a fully render HTML view before the JavaScript takes over the page.


is a hybrid framework, giving you all the same static site generation features from v2, but with a whole new set of use cases opened up with server-rendered routes. page