Cpp Report

Or, correctly spelled, the C++ Report.

The C++ Report is no more. Almost all the contributors have moved over to the C Users Journal. -- rcm

...which also is no more, having been merged with Dr Dobbs Journal (to the sadness of many). -- Tim Lesher

There is a lot of good stuff in the Cpp Users Journal. Unfortunately, much less new stuff seems to get online nowadays. It's almost as if they didn't want to give this stuff away for free. -- James Keogh

The link above is now broken and does not refer to the original web site.

From the web page ... the international authority on Cee Plus Plus development, delivers a solid mix of hands-on programming tips, how-to features, and product information for the serious C++ developer.

This is a good publication for the Pattern Community, with frequent contributions by Jim Coplien, John Vlissides, Robert Cecil Martin, Doug Schmidt and others.

A magazine that publishes patterns material from authors like those can't be all bad.

Mentioned (none too kindly) in...

"Great if you want to learn about the dynamics of instantiated, real-time templates as applied to generic programming and patterns in modern-day CASE/UNIX based GNU compilers. Don't these guys have day jobs?"

From editor:

"There have indeed been a few articles that explored the dark corners of the language. But there have been many many articles that presented real solutions to real Cee Plus Plus programming problems. We publish a regular MFC [Microsoft Foundation Classes] column by Fritz Onion that covers that topic quite well. We don't view C++ as being primarily a vehicle for MFC; and we don't view the C++ Report as an MFC tutorial. MFC is just one of many class libraries out there." -- Robert Cecil Martin (outgoing editor)

I find the dearth of colleagues comfortable with even intermediate programming theory more unsettling than the dearth of magazines into the same. Who needs another magazine about "How to Stomp the Bugs out of 's Latest API"? You can get that on USENET... But another article about "Why Assertions Are Good and Typecasts Are Bad"? I'd pay for that just to prime my own ammunition. -- Phl Ip

Herb Sutter, the incomming editor, is thought to hold similar editorial attitudes as Robert Martin who recruited him. Wiki junkies hope Herb will find time to contribute here.

The magazine promises in the trench practicality, a claim supported by articles along these lines ...

strategies for handling exceptions

assignment operators (avoiding associated crashes)

Extreme Programming and other design principles

the 'Oracle' by Clamage and Ball

Andrew Koenig's writings based upon practical experience

What experince would that be? Does he write Cee Plus Plus code for clients? Does he write anything used in a production system?

Are you Casting Anonymous Asparagus at Andrew Koenig, a man whose C++ chops are only slightly inferior to Bjarne Stroustrup's? His latest columns have been based on the experience of teaching Standard Cpp to a number of groups. -- Tres Seaver

Teaching is a lot different from writing real code in a production system.

In any case, what he does for a living does not alter the nature or quality of his knowledge, unless you're in an Ad Hominem sort of mood. -- Mike Smith

I am interested in the knowledge with the widest possible scope. In a magazine like C++ Report, that means Language Lawyer-nuts-and-bolts, Design Patterns, and wide-scope solutions. From my point of view, the Language Lawyer articles are exactly what C++ report should be doing.

Microsoft Foundation Classes articles may be nice, and may even apply to my job today (although I hope they don't), but they may not apply to my job tomorrow. Why would one invest in knowledge so narrow that it limits you to a specific and volatile ecological niche? Don't become a specialty feeder; the fossil record is full of specialty feeders that couldn't adapt to calamity. The Language Lawyer knowledge will apply no matter what Cee Plus Plus job I get, and the Design Patterns and wide-scope solutions will apply no matter what language I program in. In any case, the domain-specific stuff can be picked up pretty easily if you have a solid background in the fundamentals.

If you're doing Cee Plus Plus and you are afraid of learning and exploiting its power, change languages. C++ is a radioactive language, and it's only worth the danger if you have the skill to pull out the control rods and let the language go critical. Otherwise, all you get is radiation without much power.

And as a confirmed academic, I often look at the articles and think they're covering things that were abandoned years ago (Automated Code Generation from object diagrams? how '91... [see Class Diagram?]). Producing a pratical programming magazine is a tough job. Look at what happened to the Communications of the ACM when they tried; they went from ground-breaking articles that blended theory and practice to gee-whiz-isn't-this-cool articles. They thought any mention of theory would kill them, so they committed suicide. Then there's Dr Dobbs Journal, which tends to contain snippets of almost interesting ideas but with little to no unification. I loved it in High School, but then I outgrew most of it. To me, the Cpp Report is one of the best pragmatic magazines out there. Cee Plus Plus is not far behind the cutting edge (in terms of theoretical research) of fully compiled, Statically Typed languages. The magazine does a good job of blending a touch of theory with actual use, often bridging the Difference Between Theory And Practice. -- Jason Riedy

We all know what happened to Byte Magazine. But how many remember what it was like in the early eighties (when all the personal windowing OSs were in their arms race)? It actually had, like, discussion forum extracts and source code in it! -- Phl Ip

The thing that gets me is that there doesn't seem to be a good language-independent magazine covering software design and engineering issues other than Dr Dobbs Journal. I'd like to see articles about Aspect Oriented Programming, Patterns, Active Object Models, Re Factoring, Value Object Hypotheses, Functional Programming Languages, etc. Cpp Report has done a good job of stepping into that realm a bit. I love the language-specific stuff, but there is a lot which falls between the cracks. -- Michael Feathers

I always thought Journal Of Object Oriented Programming was a good language-independent magazine.

See original on c2.com