
The first step in creating a page that has this poetic form is defining Intention, two words that, combined, have the feeling of something that promises to become meaningful, worth remembering.

Fig. 3.11. “The Magic TV” (a) System (b) Output Plane. Pairs of letters correspond to processing units, labeled by the images of test vectors (with ⇒ Coordinates defined in (c)). (c) Input Plane showing those points to which the various processing units (corresponding to nodes of the net) have become most sensitive

* CSS in Elm Context: Custom Home Page

DOT FROM lambda-browsing


define | BrE dɪˈfʌɪn, AmE dəˈfaɪn | transitive verb 1 (mark out limits of, make clear) definieren festlegen ▸ be defined [against sth] sich [gegen etw.] abzeichnen ▸ define one's position (figurative) Stellung beziehen (on zu) 2 (set forth essence or meaning of) definieren 3 (characterize) charakterisieren