Door Choices

Divergent paths are choices of which door to go throught. Computation implemented with the room model involves closing axiomatically specified doors. (Bricken, Iconic Arithmetic. Volume III: The Structure of Imaginary And Infinite Forms, p. 355–356)

DOT FROM two-level-diagram


The Room Dialect is a minor modification of the Dnet Dialect that provides, given appropriate scaling, the opportunity to ⇐ participate physically inside a computational process the same way that data is transferred between operations before finally being converted into a result. [⇒ Wonder Room] ⇒ Door Choices (Bricken, Iconic Arithmetic. Volume III: The Structure of Imaginary And Infinite Forms, p. 355–356 (About the Dialetcs). matrix )

Here we remember a short video that explains how wiki affordances are used to create new Croquet-based wonder rooms. ⇒ Metaverse Web Showcase