Our goal has always been to explore a region of the wiki by following all of the links on a page at once. We've now enabled this mechanism with a deceptively small code change. See Promise Pages for Links, Algorithmic Markup, Dynamic Diagrams Improved
Browsing works as well as it does because the browser overlaps many requests. This turns out to be especially true for the dynamic diagrams recently added via algorithmic markup in Graphviz plugin. Our goal has always been to explore a region of the wiki by following all of the links on a page at once. We've now enabled this mechanism with a deceptively small code change.
* interactively and incrementally *explore* textual data in Linux, by making it easier to quickly build complex pipelines, … ⇒ Ultimate Plumber
* what leads to Student Achievement. expand
⇒ Upstream Cause Script
The use of wiki for communal exploration of new ideas. When wiki has worked, it has worked for this. Contrast Wiki As Drama.
//wiki.ralfbarkow.ch/assets/pages/speed-bot/speed-bot.html HEIGHT 222 SOURCE graph SOURCE paragraph