Meaning (Sinn) is a Medium as it generates loose connections between actual and possible Selections, thus allowing any type of tight connection between selections in the system.
~ via matrix
Is this pointing at how the inherent structure of a wiki could be used to generate a 3D Scene to walk through, as an alternative to exploring the wiki as pages in the lineup? Portal to different trees of the broader graph.
* Abstract Syntax Trees, AST hat can be both visualized and queried.
* a well structured text.
* Variations
* memory reference streams of any length, which mimic the behavior of given programs without the need to store anything.
CUZZOCREA, Alfredo, MUMOLO, Enzo, HASSANI, Marwan and GRASSO, Giorgio Mario, 2018. Towards Effective Generation of Synthetic Memory References Via Markovian Models. In: 2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). July 2018. p. 199–203. DOI 10.1109/COMPSAC.2018.10229.
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