Goal Jam Vision

# What is Goal Jam? It's a hack together, a making together, a writing together, a designing together - basically a jam - on the sustainable development goals. Here is a space to start writing about your own personal vision for Goal Jam - and My SoulSpark, making an edutainment and interactive learning space for youth/ young adult on the SDGs and initiatives to move Gaia towards Net-Zero/ Low Carbon Societies.

15. January - 22. April. We are in the stage where we collective work on the "vision-mission-capacity-learning skill sett" for our 12 weeks hack till Earth Day 22. April. - Gaia Game - Gaia Fest - COP26 / Stockholm 2022 - One World Wiki / Translate Wiki - Writing Space between Wiki and Wikipedia.

VMCL Animation - cabreraresearch.org

# 2.Phase 2 - Celebration of 10 years of Jazz Day 2021. Sprint 2 - High Jazz of Jam - World Jazz Day. --- 15 April - 30 April ....The jam : Creativity for Survival. - Goal Jam - the Flow of SoulSpark Game . Read more: FLOCK not CLOCK look VMCL Animation - Meta thinking Tanke 1

VISION We hack the Global Sustainable Goals in the fastest and fun way. This is our jamming - this is our jazzy buzz - of the edutainment of today.

MISSION Exponentional growth in peer-to-peer learning???

CAPACITY: we build our capacity by developing an educational system based open source and nature as a learning stage.. We map the skill-sett within our flock.

LEARNING We build our learning capacity in the space of Fed Wiki, and accelerate by writing together and to expand the field of what we do not know .

_Meta-thinking: / a Whisp / en Tank/ A synth/ A reflection_ : we learn faster together than alone! Collective accelerations is a fun and challenging ride, because you come to the edge, or a bridge - you have to be brave enough to jump, build a bridge our walk a huge detour to transcend the gap. The choice is : do you do it alone or in the flock.

How we do it, what we do, and where we start - the details are what we are here to research together, and then present to the world on Earth Day 2021 - Gaia Fest