I am a developer working at Northrop Grumman. I have worked with Perl 5.6 and .NET 1.1. I am currently working with VB.NET and C#. At work I am working on a Distributed Service Bus. Outside of work I am working on mbUnit and ASOGS.
So after much searching with no joy I have created the Internet Relay Chat #Object on the FreeNode network, irc.freenode.net. I hope that others will join or let me know where an existing channel is.
My home page is jayflowers.com .
My blog is jflowers.blogspot.com
Welcome to People Projects And Patterns Wards Wiki. If you have the energy you can help to improve Microsoft Dot Net related pages, such as Dot Net Framework. How is "Distributed Service Bus" related to Enterprise Service Bus, if at all? -- David Liu
See original on c2.com