Maximum Variance Problem

We furthermore consider the *maximum variance problem* which seeks to determine the largest possible variance on a given graph, and to characterize the distribution(s) that attains it. As a theoretical contribution, we find a complete characterization of the maximum variance distribution when considering the effective resistances as a distance measure between nodes. We show that this maximum variance distribution is concentrated on the boundary nodes of a graph, and provide support for this intuition by experiments on random geometric graphs and further analytical results on a number of simple graphs.


DEVRIENDT, Karel, MARTIN-GUTIERREZ, Samuel and LAMBIOTTE, Renaud, 2022. Variance and Covariance of Distributions on Graphs. SIAM Review. 5 May 2022. Vol. 64, no. 2, p. 343–359. DOI 10.1137/20M1361328, p. 2