We will build a memory game (within Glamorous Toolkit page ). Our intention is to learn Bloc, a low-level UI infrastructure for Pharo and Glamorous Toolkit page
In a memory game players need to find pairs of similar Cards. In each round a player turns over two cards at a time. If the two cards show the same Symbol they are removed [⇒ How to Delete Structure] and the player gets a point. If not, they are both flipped. [⇒ Flip Operation]
We will build the visual appearance of the cards step by step. In Bloc, visual objects are called elements, which are usually subclasses of `BlElement`, the inheritance tree root. page
# The Card Element
Our graphic element, called `CardElement`, representing a Card will subclass `BlElement` and have a reference to a card model:
# Drawing a Card
> Bloc’s design is getting stable and this book is a first tutorial on Bloc. Some elements may change such as the name of certain methods, but most of these changes will be minor. > > In this tutorial you will build a memory game. We provide the model and focus on creating the UI of the game.
See BlSpace.