We can now imagine that to bind to a resource, our object (and object system) will be able to negotiate actively with the environment of the object to get interior views of exterior resources. (Alan Kay, Is there Static Typing for a Smalltalk derivative? quora )
* a pedestrian crossing ⇒ The Pedestrian Crossing as Social Gift ⇒ cross
negotiate | BrE nɪˈɡəʊʃɪeɪt, AmE nəˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt | A intransitive verb verhandeln (for, on, about über + Akk.) ▸ the negotiating table der Verhandlungstisch B transitive verb 1 (arrange) aushandeln 2 (get past) bewältigen überwinden ‹Hindernis› passieren ‹Straße, Fluss› nehmen ‹Kurve› ▸ negotiate the stairs die Treppe schaffen (informal) 3 (Business) (convert into cash) einlösen ‹Scheck› (transfer) übertragen ‹Wechsel, Papiere usw.›