Neighborhood Square

The size of urban squares and plazas can vary, and some can be quite small. The critical factor is t

At the scale of neighborhoods – roughly 1-2 square kilometers, or ½ square mile – there is a need for a lively public space for gathering, recreation, markets, and community events, adjacent to neighborhood commercial activities. This need is different from the need for recreational “green” parks.


Create neighborhood squares adjacent to neighborhood through streets, and at nodes where commercial activities are present or likely. Place them

When … At the edges of the Sanctuary (p. 66), identify key sites, especially corners, for the provision of neighborhood public spaces...

Then At the edges of the neighborhood squares, place at least some active commercial uses in Perimeter Building (p. 116), positioning carefully for economic success. Develop Place Network (p. 90) along the streetscapes, and assure Walkable Streetscape (p. 93) all around the square.