
After using Obsidian for a brief time, it became apparent that this tool was better than Foam. (Scott P. Scheper, Antinet Zettelkasten (San Diego, CA: Greenlamp, 2022), pdf , p. 29)

It was slick and packed with more features. For me, the killer feature was its ability to dynamically update all Links. With this feature, if you changed the filename of a note, the other links pointing to the file wouldn’t break.

Scott P. Scheper found himself so enthusiastic about Obsidian that

> I would spend my evenings watching YouTube videos on its best practices. In doing this, I came across a particular YouTube channel with professional, well-produced videos. Its creator was a sharp guy in his mid-to-late twenties who spoke clearly. After watching a series of these videos, I learned that he had created a six-weeklong online course purporting to teach his methods.


Nevertheless, discouraging thoughts would arise in his mind now and then.

> The thoughts revolved around the fear that all I was really doing was Busy Work. Deep down, I felt like I was just majoring in the minor. “Never mistake Activity for Achievement,” as John Wooden would say.
