
The Problem is “I,” the shortest selfreferential Loop. When speaking about oneself, using “I,” Magic is performed. One creates oneself by creating oneself. “I” is the Operator who is the result of the Operation. -- Heinz von FoersterThe Ethical Imperative

operator | BrE ˈɒpəreɪtə, AmE ˈɑpəˌreɪdər | noun 1 (worker) [Maschinen]bediener (Mask.)/ [Maschinen]bedienerin (Fem.) Bedienungskraft (Fem.) (of crane, excavator, etc.) Führer (Mask.) 2 (Telecommunications) (at exchange) Vermittlung (Fem.) (at switchboard) Telefonist (Mask.)/ Telefonistin (Fem.) 3 (person engaged in business) Unternehmer (Mask.)/ Unternehmerin (Fem.) (informal) (shrewd person) Schlitzohr (Neutr.) (informal) ▸ a sly operator (informal) ein gewiefter Bursche (informal) 4 (Mathematics, Computing) Operator (Mask.) Operator | opəˈraːtɔr | masculine noun Gen. Operators Pl. Operatoren (Computing) [computer] operator ▶ Fem. Operatorin