{-| Parse the given text and return an AST represeting it. -} parse : String -> List (List LatexExpression) parse text = text |> Paragraph.logicalParagraphify |> List.map MiniLatexParser.parse
Evan Czaplicki. 2020. Elm Parser. page
ParseJson Message for a Future story
YOUTUBE M9ulswr1z0E "Demystifying Parsers" by Tereza Sokol
We compute next year's state from this year's state, the ruler's decisions we have parsed, and some formulas that make the game interesting.
is an in-house dictionary of corporate knowledge. Entries in this file are noun phrases parsed out from the firm documents. Under the heading of a noun phrase, there are:
Answer a parser that accepts the receiving string.
We wonder if we can parse an arithmetic expression and return an Abstract Syntax Tree as a graph. Try this one: page
PEG.js is a simple parser generator for JavaScript that produces fast parsers with excellent error reporting. You can use it to process complex data or computer languages and build transformers, interpreters, compilers and other tools easily. site
Regular expressions are quite confusing and difficult to use. This library provides a coherent alternative that handles more cases and produces clearer code. github , page
is a composed parser built from various primitive parsers.
> Every production in the receiver is specified as a method that returns its parser.
that analyzes the syntactic structure of an input Sentence in relation to a specified grammar and generates all possible syntax trees of the sentence, along with estimates of the probability of each being the correct parse.
Parse Path: The tree path from the token’s leaf node to the root of the syntactic parse tree. (NavyTime, p. 73)
Blocks found in the order that they appear in an iCal file. Some editing for line length. The file contained 60 lines numbered 0 to 59 as is customary in javascript.
⇒ PetitParser ⇒ parse
is a JavaScript library that can parse, transform, and help use text. github , site
, docs
is a recursive descent parser with no backtracking or backup. It is a top-down parser that does not require backtracking. At each step, the choice of the rule to be expanded is made upon the next terminal symbol.
recognizers that process Abstract Syntax Trees instead of symbol sequences.
Because elm-pages has a build step, you know that your BackendTask.Http requests succeeded, your decoders succeeded, your custom BackendTask validations succeeded, and everything went smoothly. If something went wrong, you get a build failure and can deal with the issues before the site goes live. That means your users won't see those errors, and as a developer you don't need to handle those error cases in your code! Think of it as "parse, don't validate", but for your entire build. [https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/dillonkearns/elm-pages/10.0.1
can leave parts of the document, e.g. section numbers out-of-sync. To bring them back into sync, one must do a full render.
and Render Them as Anchors [⇒ MiniLatex: a Parser-Renderer for … ⇐ Render Wiki Link]
Exploratory big data applications often run on raw unstructured or semi-structured data formats, such as JSON files or text logs. These applications can spend 80–90% of their execution time parsing the data.
A GLR parser (GLR standing for "Generalized LR", where L stands for "left-to-right" and R stands for "rightmost (derivation)") is an extension of an LR parser algorithm to handle non-deterministic and ambiguous grammars.
libcypher-parser is a parser library and validation (lint) tool for Cypher, the graph query language. The parser is written in C, and is intended for building tools and libraries in various languages. github
We tried to parse the cypher syntax used to add graph elements to neo4j. See Import from Arrow.
It is a kind of Top-Down Parser. page
Documentation page
All efficient algorithms for parsing context-free grammars make use of some kind of well-formed substring table. Earley's algorithm (1970) is perhaps the best-known example. The algorithm builds up a vector of parse lists, where each entry in a parse list is an item – a production rule with one indicator showing how much of the righthand side has been parsed, and another saying where the parse started.
(Smalltalk Compiler-Compiler) is a freely available parser generator for Smalltalk. It generates LR parsers and is a replacement for the T-Gen parser generator.
is a lexer and parser generator that allows the generation of Tree Parsers.
If you already have an ANTLR grammar for your language lying around or know how to get to one—and many popular languages already have such a grammar—, you can get to a simple parser in a matter of minutes.
We introduce ModelCC, a model-based tool for language specification. ModelCC acts as a parser generator that decouples language specification from language processing, hence avoiding many of the problems caused by grammar-driven parsers and parser generators.
is a framework for building parsers. github
is an abstract superclass for all GLR generated parsers in SmaCC.
A Java to JSON/MSE parser
parse | BrE pɑːz, AmE pɑrs | transitive verb 1 (Linguistics) grammatisch beschreiben ‹Wort› grammatisch analysieren ‹Satz› 2 (Computing) parsen