
The structural independence of all forms makes rearrangement in space unnecessary. ⇒ Constraint-Based Reasoning

Wiki provides remote editing with which one can collect and share things over the internet. We now consider the various granularities of things and how they are transmitted from place to place. ⇒ How Things Move

We resist items that assert their own order. Numbered paragraphs and dated pages inhibit alternative arrangements. Better to focus on the actual value within and leave other processes to layer their own meaning upon any particular arrangement.

> It is no accident that wiki's first editing operation was move. Refactoring was a new process in programming and it came to the original wiki with some difficulty. If we are to mine the thoughts of others then surely they must be rearranged.


rearrange | BrE ˌriːəˈreɪn(d)ʒ, AmE ˌriəˈreɪndʒ | transitive verb (alter plan of) umräumen ‹Möbel, Zimmer› verlegen ‹Treffen, Spiel› (for auf + Akk.) ändern ‹Anordnung, Programm›