# It is conceivable to imagine a future in which this problem of generating the living structure in the world is something that you – computer scientists – might explicitly recognize as part of your responsibility.
stressing the problem of living structures in the cultural (for his concern: physical) structures we live in
pattern languages: had a moral preoccupapation with the question what is a livable environment
--> has something a capacity to make for a better living environment
Problem: create a whole coherent object out of design patterns --> has to be kept in mind when creating a pattern language
one can find more general underlying structures (he talks of about 15)
what is a (more) living structure: hard to say, but Ch. Alexander suggests: most people can answer the question whether their "wholeness"/livliness increases in the presence of an object
what is a center of an object? and what centers constitute the center itself? (whether a structure is living depends mostly on its center)
problem: amount of produced objects exeeds by far the reflection on design patterns
suggestion: programming as a natural practice that provides natural environments
Christopher Alexander closes his 1996 OOPSLA keynote with an unexpected call to action: apply programming's power to the generation of a living world. transcript
A pattern is a stable arrangement of something over time. In this context we are looking to describe our inner emotional world, and external social context in terms of regularly repeating patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours.