Reflectors are stateless, public, message-passing services located in the cloud. When a reflector receives an event from a user, it mirrors it to all the other users in the same session.
Tutorial: 💡 Model-View-Reflector. page
Your API Key gives your app access to Croquet's reflectors, as well as to Croquet's file servers for storing Snapshots.
codefrau 🦩 — discord
There is a single reflector allocated for each session. All it does is bounce events generated by one peer in the session to all peers in the session, adding a time stamp. It also sends out timestamps automatically to advance computation time if there are no other events. In Microverse you can shift-click the QR code to see the message latency (there is currently a bug where you may have to shift-click on the border of the QR code instead)
codefrau 🦩 — discord
Files are served via Google CDN (that is model snapshots, or files you drop into your world – they get encrypted, hashed, and uploaded so they can be efficiently cached). And we operate reflectors on every continent except Africa and Antarctica currently.