remember an essay entitled *Das Serielle und das Repetitive* (?) by Adorno (?) that I read in university.
Adorno meets Jimi Hendrix. page
> … um die repetitive Titelgestaltung des Liedes, die dann im Text sich seriell fortspinnt und dabei … Das Repetitive bewegt sich nun in dem skizzierten Assoziationsfeld wie eine Sonde, und …
... around the repetitive title design of the song, which then continues serially in the text, and thereby ... The repetitive now moves in the sketched associative field like a Probe, and ...
Musizieren im Tonstudio
Zur Soziologie von Musik, Raum und Technik
in der Musikaufzeichnung pdf
FUHRMANN, Jan Tobias, 2023. Die Gewalt der Zwei-Seiten-Form: Von der Kritik der Zwei-Seiten-Form zur Viel-Seiten-Form der Kritik. Soziale Systeme. 25 June 2023. Vol. 28, no. 1, p. 163–201. DOI 10.1515/sosys-2023-0009. [Accessed 11 December 2023].
**Abstract** page In the following, the operations of social systems are understood as the execution of différance (Derrida). Luhmann’s interpretation of the Laws of Form (Spencer-Brown) is rejected. Indications do not produce distinction. They produce indeterminacy. Only the Repetition of a creating violence produces the stability of Two-Sided Forms. In a first step, the Laws of Form are reconstructed as a sequence of commands in the medium of the visual-simultaneous and Luhmann‘s transfer to sequentially performed communication events is rejected (I). différance is marked as a constitutive indeterminacy of social operations (II). The radical indeterminacy of différance is restricted by the operation of compensation and limited to two-sided forms. The limitation marks an epistemic violence (Spivak) (III). This violence gains its authority from repetition (IV). In the interruption of repetition, Critique succeeds. The article concludes by proposing to the systems theory of critique that critique should be understood as the interruption of the authority of repetition (V).